Friday, June 24, 2011


I’ve been pondering recently on people.  How and why do we interact with each other?  What makes us “individuals?”  The answers to these questions are curious because it seems that they are different for each person.  Because there is no consistency, sometimes it seems that some people are more powerful or respectable.  In truth, every person is great because of their unique approaches to life.  There is a recent song by the band, Weezer, called “Trainwrecks.”  The song’s lyrics are very insightful into this discussion.  Here is a link to the song and the lyrics are below:

We sleep all day and rock the night
We just get up to start another fight
We kiss and then we bite
We are Trainwrecks

You don't keep house and I'm a slob
You're freakin' out cause I can't keep a job
We don't update our blogs
We are Trainwrecks

People love to tell us what to do

That's just cause they're jealous of me and you

We're digging through the couch for cash
We're taking cabs cause both our cars are trashed

But we're still kicking ass
We are Trainwrecks
We're still kicking ass
We are Trainwrecks

We think it's uncool to be on time
Mooching off our friends is not a federal crime

Someday we'll cut our critics down to size
And crash a Diddy party in disguise
We fall, but then we rise
We are Trainwrecks

That's the story of our lives
We are Trainwrecks

I love this song because of its message.  The last two verses really make the message stand out:

We fall, but then we rise
We are Trainwrecks

That’s the story of our lives
We are Trainwrecks

It expresses this idea that humans, in general, are just a little messed up.  We have quirky habits and annoying tendencies that drive even those close to us insane.  Yet, the more major takeaway from the song is that these habits are part of each and every one of us and it is what makes us so unique.  It means that we were created in a one of a kind shape and continue to grow.

To add, this same idea reminds me of a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.  He said this in his essay, “Self-Reliance,”

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.  With consistency, a great soul has simply nothing to do.  He may as well concern himself with his shadow upon the wall.  Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. – ‘Ah so you will be misunderstood.’  Is it is so bad, then, to be misunderstood?  Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every wise and pure spirit that ever took flesh.  To be great is to be misunderstood.

The common thought between the song and the quote is clear; humans are original, they are unpredictable, and each one is amazing because of this quality.  No matter if it is the homeless man begging on the side of the street or the rich millionaire who earned his money through hard work and perseverance, men and women from all backgrounds are amazing!  The writers of the British science fiction TV show, Doctor Who, exemplified this by showing how struck the Doctor is at the capabilities of the human race.  He always vouches for the survival of humans because he has faith in their abilities.  Because we are worth saving!  We are worth the experiences life has to offer, because we all experience them in a separate fashion.  The beauty of people comes from the distinguishing characteristics that they carry.  Therefore, we should learn to embrace our own traits and, just as important, accept those of the people around us.

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